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Up to 20 reference points can be used to construct a digital DAC curve, with selectable JIS/ASME and EN1714 curves. The user can choose whether the DAC curve or DAC Up to 20 reference points can be used to construct a digital DAC curve. The user can choose whether the DAC curve or Gate 1 is used as the monitoring level. d70-rubber-boot, Customized Rubber "Shell" that fits around the instrument for extra protection and insulation. UTility Pro (Advanced User Software). Sitescan D-50 user's manual Disclaimers and Notices The following information must be read and understood by users of the Sonatest Sitescan D-50 ultrasonic flaw The Sonatest Masterscan D70 offers the NDT inspector a fully capable and functional Defined by up to 20 reference points or converted from TCG curve andDownload Sonatest d70 user manual Help+Manual User Community and Support Forums Sonatest D70 User Manual Sonatest Sitescan Flaw Detectors have always meant Sizing Techniques & Software Options include: DAC (Standard). Defined by up to 20 reference points or converted from TCG curve and digitally drawn on the screen The Sonatest heritage in product design and Masterscan name. RFID Logger Software User Manual Rev 1.0 Table of Contents 1. System Overview 2 2.
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