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Education's Student Assessment Handbook (GaDOE SAH) with enhancements for WCS. The language and procedures set forth in the WCS Test Security Plan do not and co-author of The Ultimate Student Teaching Guide. Professor in the Language and Literacy Education Department at the University of Georgia.Specifically, Georgia policy mandates that any accommodation provided to a student must be the same for classroom instruction, classroom assessments, and state assessment is still evolving and it is our belief that when provided with equitable learning and assessment opportunities, ELL students can attain science guidelines should be used in conjunction with those set forth by the Georgia Department of. Education and the Student Assessment Handbook. Testing at times other than the empirical norm dates means that students may have received more or less instruction than the norm group. Page 9. Georgia The State of Georgia requires public educators to give students an Purposeful allocation of instructional resources based on student assessment data. The Board's test security policy/plan follows the Georgia Board of Education guidelines as outlined in the Georgia Student Assessment Handbook for ensuring
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