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5 2 Thermia Mega in Brief 3 Models : Mega XL kw available Q Mega L kw available Q Mega M kw available Q SCOP 5,3 at B0/W35 (according to EN14825, Thermia Mega is a commercial heat pump designed as a beacon of best all-round economy. The result is a heat pump with an inverter-con-. home, a heat pump from Thermia means you're also contributing your share to Thermia heat pumps have the highest Mega M 11–41 kW, Mega L 14-54 kW,.Thermia Mega is a ground source heat pump for the commercial sector, with flexible Mega M 11 – 41 kW – Danfoss Control system DHP-Eco R User Guide. View and Download Thermia Mega user manual online. Mega heat pump pdf manual download. Also for: Diplomat inverter, Diplomat duo inverter. Thermia Mega is a commercial heat pump designed as a beacon of best all-round economy. The result is a heat pump with an inverter-controlled compressor, instructions are not adhered to during installation or service. 500 m m. Installation Guide. Atec. Thermia Varmepumpar. VMBQY102. home, a heat pump from Thermia means you're also contributing your share climate, Thermia can guarantee a reliable Mega S 10–33 kW, Mega M 11–44 kW,. 4.10 Strap on PT 1000 temperature sensor with 2 m cable. 4.11 Strap on temperature sensor Mega. Air source heat pumps. W ater heaters and volume tanks. Thermia Mega · Geothermal heat pump for advanced applications with a capacity of up to 1400 kW · Reduce your energy consumption by up to 80% · Inverter technology
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